
Kathleen Uhl Named Permanent Director of Office of Generic Drugs

January 22, 2015

The FDA has named Kathleen Uhl permanent director of the Office of Generic Drugs, where she has served as acting director since March 2013.

Uhl was named acting director of the office, which is charged with overseeing and approving all generic drug products, after the departure of Gregory P. Geba, who was OGD director for only about nine months.

Uhl has more than 30 years of regulatory and medical policy, scientific, and government experience. She was an integral part of OGD’s reorganization and expansion, and oversaw implementation of the Generic Drug User Fee Amendments of 2012.

Uhl joined FDA in 1998 as a medical officer in clinical pharmacology review. She has served in several leadership roles, including senior advisor to OGD director, OMP deputy director, and assistant commissioner of women’s health and director of the Office of Women’s Health, Office of the Commissioner. — Bryan Koenig