
Koning Gets FDA Green Light for 3D Breast Imaging System

February 5, 2015

Medical imaging systems maker Koning said Wednesday that the FDA approved its 3D Koning Breast CT imaging system and KBCT-guided biopsy bracket.

The KBCT is the first 3D breast CT scanner commercially available in the U.S. that images the entire breast with a single scan, according to the Rochester, N.Y., devicemaker. The rapid procedure acquires hundreds of images in 10 seconds, with excellent patient comfort that avoids compressing breast tissue.

Optional accessories include a biopsy bracket to enable KBCT-guided biopsies of suspicious lesions and a collimator used to limit the x-ray beam to the area of interest.  The biopsy bracket delivers 3D targeting at comparable or lower radiation rates compared with stereotactic-guided biopsy, the company said.

Premarket approval was based on more than 680 patient scans. — Kellen Owings