
UK to Launch the First COVID-19 Vaccine Challenge Studies on Healthy Volunteers

September 25, 2020

The UK is launching the first COVID-19 challenge trials, in which healthy volunteers will be exposed to the virus to assess the safety and effectiveness of vaccine candidates, the government says. 

Abie Rohrig, spokesperson for the U.S.-based challenge study-focused advocacy group1DaySooner, said he couldn't confirm or deny reports that 1DaySooner has helped the UK sign up 2,000 volunteers for a COVID-19 challenge trial to begin in London in January 2021.

He did say that 37,000 volunteers across the world have indicated their willingness to participate in COVID-19 challenge trials via his organization, and about 2,500 of them are in the UK.

While the National Institutes of Health said it’s preparing a viral strain to be used in challenge trials, the UK is the first to actually prepare to launch such trials, said bioethicist Art Caplan.

“Challenge trials can go months to years faster,” said Caplan. This is because researchers don't need to wait for members of the population to contract COVID-19 nor do they need to hunt for people willing to participate in trials. Caplan said he would expect people 18 to 35 years old to be the primary volunteers, as they are at the least risk for deadly complications from COVID-19. — Suz Redfearn