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PharmaJet’s Needleless Vaccine Injector Gets Picked for COVID-19 Vaccine Trial

October 29, 2020

PharmaJet’s Needle-free Injection System has been chosen to deliver another COVID-19 vaccine, this time in the University of Cambridge’s phase 1 trial of DIOSynVax’s candidate. The trial will test delivery of the vaccine through the skin without the use of needles.

“Our Needle-free systems have been proven to improve the immune response for multiple RNA/DNA-based vaccines as well as being used to eradicate diseases, such as influenza, measles and polio,” said PharmaJet President and CEO Chris Cappello.

DIOSynVax is developing its COVID-19 vaccine using computer modeling to identify the virus’ genetic code in the hopes of producing a vaccine that is specific to developing antibodies against SARS-CoV-2.

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