
Sputnik V Vaccine Demonstrates 91.4 Percent Efficacy

December 16, 2020

Russia’s Sputnik V COVID-19 vaccine has shown 91.4 percent efficacy based on new data from an ongoing phase 3 trial.

Out of 78 confirmed infections among the 22,714 participants, 62 were in individuals who received a placebo, according to the Gamaleya Research Institute. No severe COVID-19 infections were found in participants who received the vaccine, while 20 severe cases were reported in the placebo group.

The new efficacy number updates last month’s interim analysis from the late-stage study that found the vaccine had a 92 percent efficacy.

AstraZeneca announced last week it will launch a study evaluating a double-dose regimen of its COVID-19 candidate AZD1222 in combination with Sputnik V, which uses the same adenovirus-based technology.

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