
NICE Recommends Aimmune Therapeutics’ Peanut Allergy Med for Children, Young Adults

December 29, 2021

The UK’s National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has given its blessing for Palforzia (peanut (Arachis hypogaea) allergen pwder-dnfp), a peanut allergy drug, in patients aged four to 17.

The institute’s recommendation was based on clinical trials demonstrating that Palforzia, a powder mixed in food, increased the proportion of patients in that age group who could tolerate at least 1,000 mg of peanut protein by more than 50 percent compared to placebo.

The drug, made by Aimmune Therapeutics, does not cure peanut allergies; rather, it gradually reduces the body’s sensitivity to accidental exposure to the allergen.

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