
Casio Obtains 510(K) Clearance for its Dermocamera and Scope for Skin Monitoring

February 17, 2022

Casio America has received the FDA’s 510(k) clearance for its DZ-D100 Dermocamera and DZ-S50 scope for skin observation.

The DZ-D100 camera, which can be used to take both standard-sized and close-up images of an affected area, uses the company’s DZ Image Viewer software to manage the captured images.

The DZ-D100 and DZ-S50 have been classified by the FDA as Class I devices, meaning they pose low or moderate risk to patient health and safety.

The Dover, N.J.-based subsidiary of Japanese tech giant Casio Computer said that it plans to make the devices available in the U.S. by March.

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