
Brazil Study Finds Ivermectin Did Not Reduce Hospital Admissions

March 21, 2022

A newly reported study has provided more evidence that ivermectin is ineffective as a treatment for COVID-19 infection.

The study, which was conducted in Brazil, is part of a series of trials evaluating whether existing medications could be used against COVID-19 and enrolled 1,358 patients with COVID-19 who were at risk of severe disease. The research team that included Edward Mills of McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, found no meaningful difference in outcomes for patients taking ivermectin vs. placebo, and the drug did not reduce hospital admissions.

Ivermectin is FDA-approved to treat infections from parasitic worms and head lice, as well as  for treating certain skin conditions, including rosacea. But the agency has not authorized or approved the drug for preventing or treating COVID-19.

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