
Industry’s Hot Topics Covered at FDAnews GMP Quality Management vSummit

October 9, 2023

The issues the industry is grappling with these days dovetail perfectly with topics on tap at the GMP Quality Management Virtual Summit 2023 Oct. 11 and 12, according to Steve Lynn, this year’s new conference lead.

“The conference will focus on quality management issues, technological innovations, and altered supply chains — very up to the moment kind of topics in both the drug and device industries,” said Lynn, an industry veteran and consultant with Regulatory Compliance Associates.

The hot topics start with the CDER’s Theresa Mullin and her keynote address on manufacturing process changes, new IT solutions and troubles along the supply chain. During her talk, Mullins, the CDER associate director for strategic initiatives, plans to delve into the many confounding challenges the industry still faces in its quality management efforts.

Register for the GMP Quality Management vSummit 2023 produced by FDAnews, a WCG company, Oct. 11-12 here.

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