
Two Abbott Newly Cleared CGM Systems Offer Products for Wellness and Diabetes

June 12, 2024

Abbott has gained FDA clearance for two new OTC continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) systems — Lingo and Libre Rio — with Lingo designed to meet the needs of consumers who want more information on their health and Libre Rio designed for adults with Type 2 diabetes.

“People living with diabetes need certain features like tracking medications or sharing data with a healthcare provider. People without diabetes need different features to manage their metabolic health, including personalized coaching to promote actionable lifestyle changes,” said Lisa Earnhardt, executive vice president and group president of Abbott’s medical devices business.

Lingo will track glucose and provide personalized insights and customized coaching to help people create healthy habits, retrain their metabolism and improve their overall well-being, the company said. Libre Rio will be Abbott’s first OTC CGM system for people with diabetes in the US; it is designed for people ages 18 and older with Type 2 diabetes who do not use insulin and typically manage their diabetes through lifestyle modifications.

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