

September 18, 2006

Seniors could enjoy several more weeks or even months of drug cost coverage under Medicare by using generic instead of brand drugs, according to a new report by the Pharmaceutical Benefit Care Association (PCMA).

Drug costs for Medicare recipients 65 or older are partially covered by the program's Part D drug benefit. Once beneficiaries' prescription drug costs have reached $2,250, they become responsible for 100 percent of the costs. Part D coverage kicks back in after they have spent a total of $3,600 in out-of-pocket expenses. PCMA notes that a report issued by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services in August estimates 28 percent of Medicare recipients receive their Part D drug coverage through plans that have the so-called "doughnut hole" coverage gap.

By using generics, recipients can spend less on their drugs and delay or avoid reaching the coverage gap. Beneficiaries could also save an average of $1,200 on out-of-pocket drug costs, according to the report issued Sept. 7.

The study looked at four national Medicare prescription drug plans that collectively cover more than 50 percent of all Part D plan beneficiaries, and estimated costs of treating five primary conditions -- high-blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and Alzheimer's Disease -- and assorted related conditions.

According to the report, recipients using a combination of generic drugs and mail-order pharmacies could get 13 more days of coverage for Alzheimer's disease, 61 more days of coverage for high-blood pressure, 65 additional days of coverage for COPD and 157 extra days of coverage for diabetes.

Patients with heart disease could receive an additional 76 days of Part D coverage and avoid falling into the coverage gap altogether, the report said.

The report can be found at: www.pcmanet.org/newsroom/2006/pr_09_06/9.07.06.htm (http://www.pcmanet.org/newsroom/2006/pr_09_06/9.07.06.htm).