
Pharma Blog Watch

September 19, 2006

Online Drug Marketing (Pharma Marketing Blog)
In his entry, blogger John Mack discusses online DTC marketing, referring to a report showing that "while total DTC spending is up about 6.6% this year compared to last year … online spending by pharma marketers dropped almost 3%." However, drug companies have increased spending on print advertising, he writes.

"I suspect the same trends apply to physician marketing," he adds. "I'd say online pharmaceutical marketing is in a rut across the board these days!"

Preventing Medication Error (Drug Injury Watch)
In his blog, Tom Lamb continues his series on adverse drug reactions, this time writing about medication errors and citing an Institute of Medicine report on the problem that aimed "to estimate the incidence of medication errors and to identify the best preventive strategies to prevent and reduce those errors."

Lamb outlines the report's recommendations, including a suggestion that doctors should move toward writing electronic prescriptions and using "electronic decision-support tools."