
Pharma Blog Watch

September 28, 2006

European Drug Distribution (Drug Channels)
In his blog, Adam Fein writes about Pfizer's announcement that the company will consolidate distribution in the UK, which will decrease "lost revenue from parallel importing" and lower "[t]he risk of counterfeits entering the supply chain," he writes.

"Free market innovation has already improved the safety and security of the US drug distribution channel," he concludes. "Looks like the market will evolve in the EU even sooner than I predicted!"

Rozerem Ad Saga (Pharma Marketing Blog)
In his entry, blogger John Mack continues his discussion of the Rozerem direct-to-consumer (DTC) ads after receiving messages from people who said they work for Takeda's marketing agency and who explain the symbolism of Abe Lincoln and the beaver, while also pointing out the benefits of the sleep aid.

"It's too bad that these claims and benefits can't be made more directly in the ads. Certainly, I would have liked to been educated a bit more about sleep and the benefits of Rozerem. Education, after all, is what DTC is all about, isn't it?" he writes.