

October 23, 2006

Zimbabwe's government has been forced to hold off treating more HIV-positive people amid reports that antiretroviral (ARV) drug supplies could run out by December, reports UN Integrated Regional Information Networks (IRIN).

According to newspaper reports, health officials have revealed that the ongoing shortages of ARVs were worsening. The country has one of the world's highest rates of HIV infection, but only about 42,000 people are receiving the drugs from state facilities.

"Our problem is that, currently, we cannot put more people on the program, but we have enough drugs for those already on the ARV program," health minister David Parirenyatwa told IRIN.

Zimbabwe's initial response to the AIDS crisis was to declare a state of emergency in 2002, allowing cheaper generic drugs to be imported as well as locally made under World Trade Organization rules. But Varichem, the local generic drug manufacturer, has been unable to import raw materials to make ARVs due to the scarcity of foreign currency.