
Novartis, Schering AG Partner on Novel Cancer Drug

January 25, 2005

Swiss drugmaker Novartis and German pharmaceuticals producer Schering AG have announced details of a marketing partnership for their jointly developed anti-tumour compound PTK/ZK. The prospective drug is an orally-administered angiogenesis inhibitor, which inhibits tumour growth by blocking the cells' VEGF receptors. The drug was originally developed for colorectal cancer, but is being studied for all fields of oncology.

The new agreement amends an original deal giving Schering exclusivity in Europe and Novartis the sole rights to market the drug in North America. Under the new agreement, the two companies will now partner worldwide on the potential drug, although Schering will remain lead partner in Europe, while Novartis is to lead in North America. The Swiss company will, however, exclusively market the drug in Asia, except in Japan, where the two drug firms will divide marketing activities equally. Schering will exclusively market the drug in Australia, Latin America and Africa.

Schering and Novartis expect the first clinical trial results in the first quarter, with registration expected in the second half. Notably, rival Swiss drugmaker Roche already markets a colon cancer therapy, Avastin, which counteracts the disease by targeting tumour blood vessels.