
Brazil Unit of Sanofi-Aventis Fined Over Excessive Pricing

January 25, 2005

Local reports suggest that the country's OTC market drug regulators have fined a Brazilian unit of French drug major sanofi-aventis for allegedly "abusive" pricing on five quantities of one of its products. The order, issued by CMED, relates to an analgesic marketed locally as Dôrico Flash. The company will now be obliged to pay some BRL1.21mn (US$0.45mn) for allegedly violating local drug pricing regulations.

An appeal against the ruling was rejected by the authority, which also fined Laboratorios Ferring Ltda, a local subsidiary of Swiss company Ferring Pharmaceuticals, for unauthorised price increases. The subject of drug pricing is currently controversial in Brazil, where the government recently indicated its desire to break patents and restrain costs. Authorities also claim efforts to develop state-run drug retail distribution will benefit the country's poor.