
Study Compares Glucose Control With NovoLog Mix 70/30, Insulin Glargine

January 28, 2005

Novolog Mix 70/30, a dual-action insulin analog that does not contain NPH insulin, is more effective than insulin glargine in helping people with Type 2 diabetes who are new to insulin therapy achieve targeted A1C levels, according to a study published in the February issue of Diabetes Care.

The INITIATE evaluated 233 insulin-naïve patients whose blood glucose levels were not adequately controlled with oral diabetes medications (A1C levels greater than or equal to 8 percent). At the end of 28 weeks, the study showed that 66 percent of patients taking NovoLog Mix 70/30 (70 percent insulin aspart protamine suspension and 30 percent insulin aspart injection, [rDNA origin]) reached the currently recommended American Diabetes Association target A1C levels of less than 7 percent compared to 40 percent taking insulin glargine.

Forty-two percent of individuals on NovoLog Mix 70/30 achieved an A1C of equal to or less than 6.5 percent compared to 28 percent receiving glargine. Mean A1C reduction was 0.43 percent point lower in the NovoLog Mix 70/30 group versus the insulin glargine group. Furthermore, at the end of the study, the average A1C value in the NovoLog Mix 70/30 group was significantly lower than in the insulin glargine group.