
Bill Would Protect Drug Firms in Suits

February 8, 2005

Pharmaceutical companies would get special protections from personal injury suits in Missouri under legislation designed to lower malpractice insurance premiums for doctors. Suits against drug companies would be treated the same as damage claims against physicians under the measure, which is sponsored by Rep. Richard Byrd, R-Kirkwood. Byrd said Missouri needed such protections for drug companies to promote drug research in the state.

St. Louis Post-Dispatch (http://www.stltoday.com/stltoday/news/stories.nsf/stlouiscitycounty/story/1FA43A7FFA6FDAEA86256FA2001A66D8?OpenDocument&Headline=Bill%2Bwould%2Bprotect%2Bdrug%2Bfirms%2Bin%2Bsuits&highlight=2%2CRichard%2CByrd)