
Mexican Intellectual Property Reforms Alleged Deadlocked

February 22, 2005

The head of the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property has complained that the present pace of intellectual property reform in the country has done little to avert wide-scale copying of patented goods. Meanwhile, local drug industry groups are preparing to step up their lobbying for greater patent protection.

The more Western-style elements in Mexico's intellectual property framework are underscored by legal provisions in the country's free trade agreement with the US and Canada, NAFTA. However, the Office of the US Trade Representative has condemned the government's failure to guarantee patents under its international obligations. Many US drug companies reportedly believe that full protection is a prerequisite for greater investment in the country, a lack of which has been highlighted by the local manufacturing sector.

Meanwhile, ethical producers' association AMIIF is now understood to be awaiting developments in the next session of Mexico's Congress before stepping up lobbying efforts with the US administration.