
Perlegen Reels in $74 Million

March 1, 2005

Genome and drug researcher Perlegen Sciences Inc. of Mountain View, Calif., has received the third-largest venture funding round of 2005, a $74 million private placement intended to shore up its late-stage drug pipeline. The four-year-old spinoff of biotechnology chipmaker Affymetrix of Santa Clara, Calif., accepted funding from five investors led by Tokyo-based CSK Venture Capital, which also funded the company during an earlier round. Also participating were Brookside Capital Partners Management, a unit of Bain Capital of Boston; Mizuho Securities of Japan; Glynn Capital Management of Menlo Park, Calif.; and Jacksonville, N.C.-based Cape Securities.

The Deal.com (http://www.thedeal.com/NASApp/cs/ContentServer?pagename=TheDeal/TDDArticle/StandardArticle&c=TDDArticle&cid=1107993097789&r=InFs&p=M4YD5AR2)