
Basic Products Dominate in Evolving Romanian Market

March 4, 2005

Local manufacturing sector output in Romania comprises predominantly cheap, basic medicines, with the market reliant on imports, in particular at the hi-tech end of the scale. The leading therapeutic area in terms of sales is antibiotics, accounting for more than one-third of sales, followed by analgesics, accounting for more than 10%.

The prominence of antibiotics and analgesics, both basic medicines, reflects the emerging status of the market. Spending is forecast to reach only US$445mn at consumer prices by 2007, far below that of Eastern European rivals such as the Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary, but on a par with levels in Bulgaria and Russia.

As Romania seeks European Union membership and gradually reforms its pharmaceutical legislation to EU standards, the sector is facing a period of upheaval. Some local companies have restructured in view of this new outlook, including antibiotics maker Antibiotice, which last month carried out a US$1.2mn share issue and pledged to spend US$3.5mn this year on improving its facilities.

The company has already spent over US$30mn since 1999 on improving equipment, introducing more sophisticated product lines and achieving international manufacturing standards. Nevertheless, the fact that the company reported a net reduction in profit growth last year to US$4.3mn, on turnover of US$44mn, indicates that substantial challenges remain ahead for much of the sector.