
Varian Unveils New MRI System

May 9, 2005

Varian announced a new magnetic resonance imaging system (MRI), which operates at magnetic field strengths ranging from 4.7 Tesla to 14.1 Tesla and is capable of a variety of biomedical and material sciences applications.

The scanner was developed to improve the rate of implementation of complex, information-rich MRI experiments, promoting the use of these techniques to a broader customer base. With the new system, customers are now able to develop new techniques faster and further improve the information content gained from a variety of samples ranging from small molecule liquids to human organs.

The new Varian MRI System, which initially offers up to four transmitter and up to eight receiver channels, employs a scalable parallel architecture to allow for easy expansion of the number of channels in the future. This capability enables increased information content and throughput utilizing parallel imaging techniques and simultaneous detection of multiple objects. It is the industry's first MRI platform to offer an expandable set of both transmitter and receiver channels, significantly broadening its use beyond traditional MRI techniques and developing new applications.