

July 1, 2005

Hungary's new Pharmaceutical Market Regulations Act is set to bring the country further into line with EU regulations. Key elements of the new legislation include strengthening rules on clinical trials and packaging. The law will also make drugmakers liable for any harm caused by their products to consumers.

The government had planned to liberalise the local market for Hungary's 5,648 products without reimbursable status, which together account for roughly 17% of sales. However, proposals to introduce optional wholesale and retail margin controls have met with fierce resistance, and it now seems that only retail margins will be affected. Pharmacists have reportedly agreed to pass on any discounts to consumers, while a ban on 24-hour pharmacies will also come into effect.

The measures are part of ongoing government attempts to reduce costs in Hungary's healthcare sector. The OEP national reimbursement fund expects its budget overspend to total HUF13bn (US$63.50mn) this year, even with consumers currently paying the full cost on 40% of the country's annual drug sales.