

July 8, 2005

A new report by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) of its member states claims Belgium is the lead performer in terms of biopharmaceutical innovation.

The claims are based on four indicators, namely biotech patent applications per capita in 2000, drugs under development according to population, venture capital investment levels and the number of biotech firms. Countries were also ranked on scientific performance, with the quality of higher education a key consideration.

The overall results of the survey should come as little surprise, with Japan placed among the worst performers in biotech innovation. In mainland Europe, Germany scored highly in the industrial development rankings, although its scientific base was described as weak. Specifically in terms of biotech, the middle of the rankings was occupied by the Netherlands, Germany and France, with Spain scoring poorly.

According to the survey, Belgium's lead across all categories is commanding. With a well-developed capital and knowledge base, the country's small size and location at the heart of Western Europe undoubtedly proved influential. Unsurprisingly, the country and its near neighbours are already home to the European R&D facilities of many of the leading research-based multinationals.