

July 19, 2005

Following official claims earlier this month that Nigeria is to begin manufacturing its own anti-malarials and HIV/AIDS drugs, government sources now expect a new company to reduce the country's dependence on imported vaccines. Nigeria currently imports about 60% of its vaccines, with a total value of roughly NGN12bn (US$88.72mn) per year.

The new facility, expected to trade under the name Biovaccines Nigeria, is expected to save the government about NGN1bn (US$7.39mn) per year. Local firm May and Baker is expected to have a 51% stake in the new private-public joint venture, and is understood to have signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the government on the plan.

Officials have also commented that the government intends to maximise technical input from the WHO -- as well as from producers in India, Malaysia and Indonesia -- in order to create a Nigerian "centre of excellence" in vaccines manufacturing.