
Pharma Blog Watch

November 8, 2006

The Future of Generic Biologics (Envisioning 2.0)
In his blog, Fard Johnmar ponders the midterm election results and how they may affect the pharma industry. "Although healthcare was not a big topic, I predict that certain issues will garner Congress's attention, drive headlines, power lobbying efforts and keep communicators awake at night."

One such issue is generic biologics. "In the past year, lawmakers have focused attention on the high price of biotech drugs," he writes. "Most recently, in September 2006, Representative Harry Waxman and Senator Hillary Clinton introduced the 'Access to Life-Saving Medicine Act.' If passed, Waxman says this bill 'will establish a process through which the FDA will be able to approve lower-cost copies of biotech drugs, also known as biologics or biopharmaceuticals.' Look for the new House to take up this issue during the next term."