

December 12, 2006

Biota has been notified that the Irish government has ordered 706,000 courses of the influenza drug Relenza for delivery by September 2007. An official with the Irish Department of Health and Children also confirmed that the first 70,000 courses of Relenza have already been delivered, according to the company's release.

"This order continues to reinforce the increasing importance of Relenza in government pandemic stockpiles. When fully delivered by GlaxoSmithKline, this Irish order should provide in excess of $1 million in net royalties to Biota," Peter Cook, Biota'a CEO, said.

The Australian company developed zanamivir, which is marketed by GlaxoSmithKline as Relenza. The drug is currently being stockpiled by a number of national governments as a defense against a possible influenza pandemic. In November the Canadian government ordered an additional 5.5 million courses of Relenza. Biota receives royalties from the sales.

Relenza can both treat influenza and reduce the chance of getting the flu, and it is effective against both influenza A and B, according to Biota. Relenza is delivered directly to the primary site of infection on the lungs using an inhaler. The drug works by destroying an enzyme, neuraminidase on the surface of the virus, which is essential for the multiplication and spread of influenza.