

February 23, 2007

China Aoxing Pharmaceutical has announced the launch of generic naloxone hydrochloride. The company received authorization from China's State Food and Drug Administration to manufacture injectable naloxone in four dosage strengths: 0.4 mg/1 mL, 1 mg/1 mL, 2 mg/2 mL and 4 mg/10 mL.

Naloxone is an opiate antagonist indicated to reverse the effects of narcotic drugs used during surgery, and to treat conditions such as respiratory depression related to opioid overdose, shock and alcohol poisoning.

"China's central government completely controls the availability of naloxone's raw materials," Zhenjiang Yue, chairman and CEO, said. "We are particularly excited about [the] announcement because China Aoxing Pharmaceuticals is one of only several companies in all of China licensed to access that raw material supply, as well as manufacture and sell this important narcotic."

China Aoxing has developed a patented process to manufacture a variety of generic analgesic drugs, including oxycodone, pholcodine and tilidine. It is one of the few companies in China licensed to manufacture these drugs and is working closely with the government to assure their availability throughout the country.