
Pharma Blog Watch

March 12, 2007

No New Trial for ZymoGenetics' Thrombin Spray (QDIS Blog)
In his blog, Ed Vawter discusses recent news that ZymoGenetics won't have to conduct additional Phase III trials of its thrombin spray. "This could shorten the timeline to approval for a spray by as much as 18 months, but there would still need to be paperwork filled in the form of a prior approval supplement," he writes. "They filed for approval of rhThrombin in December 2006, and the spray would be a new formulation."

"It should be noted that this would be the first thrombin product which does not rely on animal or human blood. The currently approved thrombin products are derived from cow blood and have potential problems such as concerns over bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) as well as leading to complications in some people who develop antibodies to the cow-derived product," he adds.