
Kenya’s Nairobi County to Buy More LuViva Devices From Guided

February 5, 2016

Guided Therapeutics is planning to sell five LuViva advanced cervical scans to the Nairobi County Health Services Sector in Kenya for use in the agency’s cancer screening program.

The planned purchase — expected to ship in the first quarter of this year — brings to six the number of LuViva devices purchased by Nairobi County.

An additional seven units are slated for purchase this year, says Guided. When fully implemented, more than 12,000 women a month will be able to be screened.

Gene Cartwright, CEO and president of Guided, says the company will work with Asian and Latin American governments to expand usage of the device to help detect cervical cancer.

Cervical cancer ranks first in cancers affecting women in Kenya. More than 10.3 million women in that country are at risk of developing the disease, according to the World Health Organization and International Cancer Organization Information Centre.

Annually, 2,454 women are diagnosed with cervical cancer, and 1,676 die, according to WHO/ICO. An estimated 15 new cases of cervical cancer are diagnosed each week in Nairobi County. — Jonathon Shacat